Youth Ministry

Ignite Student Ministries is comprised of 6th-12th graders and a great team of adult leaders who are growing, wrestling, and searching for God.

At our core, we aim to give our students the tools necessary to live a clean, holy life in a difficult world.  We see this best being practiced by living out our faith in the world!


Sunday School 9:30am-10:30am

Before the worship service at 9:30am on Sunday morning, students gather in the Youth Room located in the Family Life Center building.

This time begins with fellowship and announcements before the students are released to individual classes. Each class has the opportunity to have a time of discussion about the sermon as well as lesson from their respective teachers that is based on the morning sermon and is focused on Biblical truths and discipleship.

This is a great time to ask questions and dig deeper in their faith with their Sunday School teachers and other students their age. Class sizes average between 10-15 students. Sunday School ends around 10:30am.


Wednesday Night 7:00pm – 8:00pm

Starting at 6:30 when our gym doors open, students begin to gather and fellowship together. From 6:00 until 7:15 our students participate in games, small groups, and a teaching time.

Games and small groups are both centered around the lesson being taught that night. Game time includes both physical and mental games. It is our desire that this time fosters relationships that span generations.

The focus of Wednesday nights is to be an entry point into the youth group and the church as whole, but also a place where students can group deeper in their relationships with Christ and others.


Youth Events

Ignite Student Ministries seeks to provide its students with opportunities to know, live, and share the love of Christ in our world. From camping trips to conferences, our goal is to provide our students with the resources to be rightly related to God, each other, and our world. While costs vary according to the trip, it is always our aim to keep costs as low as possible and to provide fund-raising to help offset some of the cost. If you have any questions about our upcoming events, please contact our Youth Ministry Director, Nan Mayo, at Please note to your left under the “Events” section a list of upcoming events, conferences, and trips the Neos Youth will be participating in.